LDR 38042nam#a2202185#i#450# 001 1602 005 20250222234711.6 008 _ 20190328d2019####ek#y0engy0150####ca 020 ## _$a978-1-4946-0003-7 041 0# _$aENG 044 ## _$axxu 072 #7 _$aGeneral. BUS000000 _$aBusiness Mathematics. BUS091000 _$aDevelopment / Business Development. BUS020000 _$aSmall Business. BUS060000 100 #1 _$aVilisov, Valeriy Yakovlevich _$aUniversity of Technology 100 #1 _$aVilisova, Anna Valer'evna _$aINSTITUTE OF BUSINESS STUDIES 245 00 _$aINNOVATIONS AND SMALL BUSINESS: Current situation and modeling _$cMonography 260 1# _$aSan Francisco _$bAcademus Publishing _$c2019 300 ## _$a247 p. 500 ## _$aPresents an analysis of patterns and features innovative development factors and elements of innovation infrastructure in developed and developing economies of the world, including Russian. A set of mathematical economic models assessing the potential of innovative development of the economic entity. The technique of small enterprises transition to innovative development. For professionals in the field of innovation management, researchers, graduate students and doctoral candidates _$ainnovation, infrastructure, small business, model, methodology, evaluation, technology park, national innovation system _$a10.12737/12132 510 0# _$aThe establishment of technoparks in sphere of high technologies in the Russian Federation / Complex program (Sozdanie v RF tehnoparkov v sfere vysokih tehnologiy / Kompleksnaya programma). [http://minsvyaz.ru/ru/doc/?id_4=178# doc_save. Data views: 25.02.2014] 510 0# _$aKazantsev A.K., Kiselev V.N., Rubvalter D.A., Rudenskii O.V. NBIC-technologies: Innovation civilization of the XXI century [B]. Moscow. Infra-M. 2012. – 384 pp. (Kazancev A. K. NBIC-tehnologii: Innovacionnaya civilizaciya HHI veka / A.K. Kazancev, V. N. Kiselev, D. A. Rubval'ter, O. V. Rudenskiy. - M.: Infra-M, 2012. - 384 s.) 510 0# _$aDepartment of nano-, bio-, info-and cognitive technologies (DNBIC) MPTI. 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