01377nam#a2200193#i#4500001000500000005001700005008004000022020002300062041000900085044000900094100017100103100002300274245004000297260005400337300001200391500072600403533003301129856002101162160220240418044612.4 20170208d2017####ek#y0engy0150####ca##$a978-5-16-012281-60#$aRUS##$axxu#1$aYaglov, Valentin V.$aAvtsyn research institute of human morphology of Federal state budgetary scientific institution "Petrovsky national research centre of surgery"#1$aYaglova, Natalya 00$aThe basics of histology$cTextbook1#$aMoscow$bINFRA-M Academic Publishing LLC.$c2017##$a634 p.##$aThe textbook is designed to explore the fundamentals of Cytology, embryology and histology and objective control of the formation and detection of residual knowledge. The tutorial presents an original schema that allows you to understand and remember the development and structure of cells, tissues, organs and organ systems. Meets the requirements of Federal state educational standard of higher education of the last generation. For undergraduate and graduate students of higher medical educational institutions, students of specialties "Medical business" "Pediatrics" and "Medical preventive care", and can also be useful for students and postgraduates of the veterinary and biological departments.$a10.12737/24562##$aThere is an electronic copy4#$aacademuspub.com