LDR 12873nam#a2200937#i#450# 001 2212 005 20250211185501.2 008 _ 20210730d2021####ek#y0rusy0150####ca 020 ## _$a978-1-4946-0022-8 041 0# _$aENG 044 ## _$axxu 072 #7 _$aLife Sciences / Ecology. SCI020000 _$aChemical & Biochemical. TEC009010 _$aEnvironmental / Water Supply. TEC010030 100 #1 _$aКсенофонтов, Борис Семенович _$aМГТУ им. Н. Э. Баумана 245 00 _$aFLOTATION MULTISTAGE AND GENERALIZED MODELS OF THE PROCESS HARVESTERS OF KSENOFONTOV TYPE AND FOR SPECIAL PURPOSE _$cМонография 260 1# _$aСан-Франциско _$bAcademus Publishing _$c2021 300 ## _$a299 p. 500 ## _$aA multistage and generalised flotation model, suggested more than 30 years ago by the author, is considered in a wide aspect for the first time in world literature for reader’s attention in monography. The possibilities of its usage are shown in different directions of water flotation purification, sediment thickening and enrichment of minerals. We have shed a light widely on matters concerning new flotation equipment as flotation harvesters of KBS type and for special purposes, which are developed on the basis of flotation process multistage and generalized models. Perspectives and intensification ways of water purification flotation processes are pointed out. It is suggested for a wide range of readers, including researches, Higher education teachers, PhD students, Masters and Bachelors, Graduate students. _$aflotation, water purification, sediment thickening, enrichment of minerals, flotation harvesters _$a10.31519/0022-8 510 0# _$aGrattoni C., Moosai R. and Dawe R.A. (2003). Photographic Observations Showing Spreading and Non-Spreading of Oil on Gas Bubbles of Relevance to Gas Flotation for Oily Wastewater Cleanup. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 214(1–3), 151–155. 510 0# _$aGalbraith P. and Stillman G. (2006). 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Flotation Machine for Wastewater Purification, accepted 07/24/12, registered 12/20/12. Authors: Ksenofontov B.S., Sazonov D.V. Applier: Bauman State Technical University (in Russian). 510 0# _$aRF Patent on Useful Model 143 014. Flotation Machine for Wastewater Purification, accepted 12/30/13, registered 07/10/14. Authors: Ksenofontov B.S., Petrova E.V., Vinogradova M.S. Applier: Bauman State Technical University (in Russian). 510 0# _$aRF Patent on Useful Model No. 149273. Flotation Machine for Wastewater Purification // Ksenofontov B.S., Antonova E.S., applied 02/24/2014, published 12/27/2014 (in Russian). 510 0# _$aRF Patent on Useful Model No. 192973 “Bioflotoharvester”, taken 06/18/2019, registered 10/08/2019. Applier and author Ksenofontov B.S. (in Russian). 510 0# _$aRF Patent on Useful Model No. 194987 “Chemoflotoharvester”, taken 08/09/2019, registered 01/10/2020. Applier and author Ksenofontov B.S. (in Russian). 510 0# _$aRF Patent on Useful Model No. 194985 “Electroflotoharvester”, taken 08/22/2019, registered 01/10/2020. Applier and author Ksenofontov B.S. (in Russian). 510 0# _$aRF Patent on Useful Model No. 194986 “Deminoflotoharvester”, taken 09/16/2019, reg 510 0# _$aRF Patent on Useful Model No. 195481 “Silt-flotoharvester”, taken 10/25/2019, registered 01/29/2020. Applier and author Ksenofontov B.S. (in Russian). 510 0# _$aRF Patent on Useful Model No. 195504 “Soil-flotoharvester”, taken 11/05/2019, registered 01/29/2020. Applier and author Ksenofontov B.S. (in Russian). 510 0# _$aRF Patent on Useful Model No. 199049 «Aquaflotoharvester», accepted 02/05/2020, registered 08/11/2020. Applier and author Ksenofontov B.S. (in Russian). 533 ## _$aThere is an electronic copy 856 4# _$aacademuspub.com _$u