Аннотация и ключевые слова
Аннотация (русский):
The monograph for the first time comprehensively investigates two main areas of modern economics - mainstream and ‘neo-Ricardianism’, which are in a state of the so-called ‘dispute of two Cambridges’. The theoretical advantages and disadvantages of the directions are shown, as well as specific proposals for their synthesis. The author’s interpretations of many issues of economic theory are presented, aimed at increasing its consistency, logical persistence and predictability of further development. Addressed to researchers, graduate students and teachers, specializing in the field of economics.

Ключевые слова:
retroeconomic theory, the two Cambridges dispute, neoricardianism, mainstream economics, positive normative research methodology, marketer, production technology, sociology of production, production criterion, salary of production

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Список литературы

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