Academus Publishing
Academus Publishing is an American academic publisher that produces scientific books in English and Russian language.
Our advantages
Russian scientific book publishing is quite isolated. That is why there exist famous problems with citation index of Russian scientists at the international level. Most of Russian publishers are not able to work with international citation indexing services.
Academus Publishing House is occupied not only with the production of scientific books, but also with their distribution abroad and integration to the world science by placing into international bibliographic databases. We give DOI to all our books and ORCID to all our authors.
Effective Distribution
Thank to qualified work with metadata and collaboration with the biggest American and Russian publishers and book distributers, all our monographs are available for the Russian, American, European and the world markets.
For the distribution over USA and all over the world we collaborate with INGRAM, the world leader in book distribution. This fact guarantees access to works of scientific and educational organizations and ability to purchase the books worldwide in bookstores and online shops.
In Russia our printed books are published in collaboration with the biggest scientific publishing house INFRA-M. So, all books are available at the bookstores and the wholesalers. Works of our authors are included in Russian Science Citation Index and electronic library system ZNANIUM.COM. It is one of best collections of papers, books and journals written by Russian scientists. The library system is well-optimized and has suitable search of documents, function of making bookmarks and “bookshelf”, page coping and statistics, etc.
Thus we use all existing variants in book distribution:
selling books through bookstores and through the Internet;
selling hard copies as well as electronic, plus books for mobile applications;
collecting all editions in the electronic library system and reference databases, which allow to increase the number of readers and extend the life cycle of a book;
distributing publications on the territory of the USA, Europe and Russia.
In the case of compliance with our requirements, edition of monographs and articles in Academus Publishing is free of charge. As well as our authors can get royalties for books after their successful marketing.